

Pickup Craps – Pointers and Plans: Do Not Give Up

Be cunning, play clever, and become versed in how to play craps the correct way!

Over your craps-gambling life, you will likely experience more losing sessions than winners. Just accept it. You need to learn to play in the real world, not dream world. Craps is designed for the gambler to not win.

Say, following 2 hours, the dice have brought down your chips down to $20. You haven’t noticed an on fire toss in forever. Although losing is just as much a part of the casino game as profiting, you cannot help but feel like crap. You ponder about why you ever traveled to Las Vegas in the 1st place. You tried to be a rock for two hours, but it didn’t succeed. You are wanting to profit so badly that you lose control of your clear thinking. You are down to your last $20 for the day and you contain no backbone left. Stop with your!

You should never capitulate, don’t ever accede, at no time think, "This sucks, I am going to risk the remainder on the Hard 4 and, if I lose, then I’ll say goodbye. But if I profit, I will be even for the session." That is the stupidest thing you might try at the closure of a bad luck night.

If you insist on giving your cash up, for heaven’s sake send it to your favorite charity. Do not give it to the gambling hall. Occasionally, you will succeed on one of those idiotic bets, but don’t imagine you will earn enough over time to cover your losses.

Now you realize! Keep it in mind, become versed in the proper way to gamble on craps the proper way.

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