

Craps Online Betting

[ English ]

This short material looks to quickly cover a few of the potential wagers when gambling on Craps internet. It is important to keep in mind that it is possible to lay a wager in craps, even if you’re not the shooter.

Kinds of Craps Net Bets:

1) Pass Line Wager: This, also referred to as the "Front Line", and is by far the biggest favored and easiest wager in craps in that you bet that the shooter wins his game. This wager can be placed at any time but is normally placed prior to the "Come Out" toss. A gambler wins on this toss if the initial roll is either a seven or 11, and squanders if a two, 3 or twelve is tossed.

2) Do not Pass Bet: This is precisely the opposite of the aforementioned, because you bet the shooter doesn’t win. This bet is also known as the "Back Line".

3) Odds Bet: When the shooter establishes the point in the "Come Out" throw, you will place an odds bet as an enhancement to your Pass Line or don’t Pass wager. In this wager the casino has no advantage because you do not wager against it. Basically you strengthen your "Pass" or "Don’t Pass" bet.

4) Come Bet: The "Come Bet" works exactly like the "Pass Line" wager, but you make the bet after the point is made. The next toss becomes the "Come Out" toss for your bet. A "Come Wager" wins with 7 or 11 and loses with 2, 3 or twelve. All other rolled numbers make your bet to be moved to that particular number. For you to win, the point has to be re-established before a seven is tossed.

5) Hardways: A pair of fours is referred to as a Hard 4, a pair of fives as a Hard five etc. Together, all these doubles are known as the "Hardways". This is a place wager on one of the doubles, two’s, three’s, four’s and 5 5.

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