

Be a Master of Craps – Tips and Techniques: Do Not Toss in the Towel

Be clever, play clever, and become versed in how to wager on craps the right way!

During your craps-betting life, you will likely have more non-winning times than winners. Just accept this fact. You must learn to play in reality, not dream land. Craps was created for the gambler to throw away their money.

Suppose, following a few hours, the dice have brought down your chips leaving only $20. You have not noticed an on fire roll in ages. though losing is as much a part of the casino game as profiting, you cannot help but feel cursed. You ponder about why you ever bothered coming to Sin City in the 1st place. You tried to be a fortress for a few hours, but it didn’t work. You want to succeed so acutely that you relinquish discipline of your clear thinking. You’re at your last $20 for the session and you have little fight remaining. Leave with your twenty dollars!

You must never ever give up, never ever bow out, do not think, "This sucks, I’m going to risk the rest on the Hard 4 and, if I do not win, then I will depart. However if I succeed, I will be right back where I started." That’s the most block headed action you are able to attempt at the closure of a losing night.

If you insist on giving your cash up, please gift it to your preferred charity. Don’t give it to the gambling den. Every so often, you’ll win one of those inane wagers, but do not imagine you’ll earn enough over time to cover your losses.

Now you realize! Recall, learn how to wager on craps the proper way.

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