

Pickup Craps – Hints and Tactics: The Past of Craps

[ English ]

Be smart, play brilliant, and discover how to play craps the proper way!

Games that use dice and the dice themselves goes back to the Middle Eastern Crusades, but modern craps is approximately a century old. Modern craps evolved from the ancient English game called Hazard. No one absolutely knows the origin of the game, but Hazard is said to have been created by the Anglo, Sir William of Tyre, in the twelfth century. It’s supposed that Sir William’s knights enjoyed Hazard amid a blockade on the fortification Hazarth in 1125 AD. The title Hazard was derived from the citadel’s name.

Early French colonists brought the game Hazard to Canada. In the 18th century, when exiled by the English, the French headed south and found sanctuary in the south of Louisiana where they after a while became Cajuns. When they departed Acadia, they took their favored game, Hazard, with them. The Cajuns broke down the game and made it mathematically fair. It’s said that the Cajuns altered the title to craps, which is gotten from the name of the losing toss of two in the game of Hazard, known as "crabs."

From Louisiana, the game migrated to the Mississippi river boats and all over the nation. A few think the dice maker John H. Winn as the creator of current craps. In the early 1900s, Winn built the current craps layout. He appended the Do not Pass line so gamblers could wager on the dice to lose. At another time, he developed the spaces for Place wagers and put in place the Big 6, Big 8, and Hardways.

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